The Siemens Magnetom Aera 1.5T magnet
The MRI unit has a short bore circumference of 70cm as compared to the average 60cm MRI scanners. This allows patients to feel more space and comfort during their MRI exam. The MRI table is strong and sturdy with a table weight of up to 550lbs. The unit has bright lighting, and the scenery is tranquil. Mirrors, eye pillows, and lavender scents are utilized to help create ease for claustrophobic patients. Patients are given music or audio of their choice to enjoy throughout their entire MRI exam. The Magnetom Aera is known for providing the ability to safely scan patients with internal MR Conditional implants. The scans are quick and efficient, some scans completed within 15 minutes, while still maintaining high-quality imaging. Our facility specializes in musculoskeletal, neurology, angiography, and full-body imaging. We provide an MRI safe atmosphere, on schedule appointments, and rapid MRI results. Rest assured that your visit to CVMWI will be a pleasant and enjoyable experience.